August 2020 Update
A pastor friend in Hawaii called me as I was watching an NBA game the other night (who'd have thought I'd have typed that sentence in August?!). He wanted more details about the opportunities members of his church will have to be further trained in the Scriptures through our ministry with TLI and BCS in the islands. It was exciting to be able to talk through the possibilities with him and brainstorm together about how we'd be able to equip the members of his church in a few different ways beginning next year.
This conversation reminded me of two things.
First, the need and desire for ongoing theological training in the Islands is not going away in the midst of everything else going on in the world right now. The pandemic has hit the economy in Hawaii hard and no one is sure what the long-term impact will be. Cases are on the rise there, and people are feeling the impact. But this does not reduce the need for theological training. In fact, the needs for training in the Islands for the sake of the Pacific Rim are only more pronounced!
Second, in order to get this training on the ground there next summer, we need an army of prayer and financial support. Over the last month, we have launched out into fundraising for our upcoming ministry in Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. It has been encouraging to talk with pastors from churches all over the mainland who may partner with us in prayer, financial support, and in sending ministry teams. Please be praying for these potential partnerships!
We've booked a ticket for Chris to get to the Islands in late September. However, COVID cases are on the rise in Hawaii and they are rolling back reopening plans, so it is possible this trip may have to be postponed (again). Pray for all the details that surround this trip, including wisdom to know whether to cancel planned events or reschedule the trip.